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If your animal is showing signs of illness or disease, it is likely that their diet could be changed to better support their needs.
The reality of what we offer can be confronting. It’s not pretty, but it’s real food and that’s what matters.
Where food came from, how it lived and what was done to it are all important factors to consider when choosing what to feed your pet.
Designed as a premium offering of naturopathic medicine, this unique broad-spectrum range is suited to the needs, interests and health requirements of our customers and their animals.
Designed to offer both physical and emotional support, the pure essential oils and plant extracts within these products work to gently nourish, clean, repair and soothe.
Designed to nourish and support your pet's health, the pantry range is made up of premium quality tonics and dietary supplements.
Domestic dogs have been proven to descend from wolves, they are still thinking like a wolf, but in dog's clothing.